Recently, organic produce has become more and more popular. However, with the rising popularity of organic products people are starting to wonder; what are the pros and cons of buying and eating organically grown produce?

The Pros

  • Demand has risen for organic produce because consumers are starting to become more aware of the possible health hazards of consuming products that are not organically grown. With the recent concerns of pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides being used, on top of the e coli outbursts, people are starting to consume more and more organic products.
  • Another benefit of eating organic food is that it is often fresher. Because it doesn’t contain preservatives, it doesn’t last as long. This causes grocery stores to constantly replace and bring in fresh produce from smaller nearby farms. By buying organic products, you will never have to worry about eating or buying rotten fruits or vegetables again.
  • Many have said that consuming products that haven’t been grown using pesticides, chemicals and or additives will be better for you in the long run. By avoiding these things, you will have a smaller risk of disease, illness and/or disorders. It will also help you feel better and have more energy throughout the day.
  • Consuming organic products will help give you peace of mind that you are putting healthy and safe nutrients in your body.

The Cons

  • When you are buying organic produce, make sure to buy different types of produce from a variety of different sources. This way you will reduce the likelihood of exposure of single pesticides.
  • Make sure to buy fruits and vegetables when they are in season to ensure the freshest produce is grown by your local farmers.
  • Make sure that you read the labels on the products you are buying. Just because the label says it is organic, doesn’t necessarily mean that it is. Some organic products could have higher salt, fat and sugar contents.
  • Make sure when you are buying the produce that you are sure to wash off the dirt, bacteria, and traces of chemicals from the surface of the produce. Sometimes it is best to remove the leaves from the produce and also to peel and remove the skin as well to ensure the best safety while consuming the products.
  • Organic produce tends to be higher on the price scale. This could potentially make it difficult to adjust for in a monthly food financial budget, particularly if you are not used to the added cost.

Organic vs. Non-Organic Pesticides

Organic foods do not necessarily mean that they are free of pesticides. Fortunately, there are some organic pesticides to help maintain the health of your plants by controlling diseases, weeds and insects with fewer of the harmful chemicals from normal pesticides. There are several pesticides that are considered safe by the US Organic Standards, specifically those that are created through natural sources with little to no processing, while non-organic pesticides are synthetically made.

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What You Can Do

When considering organic produce, plan a trip to your local farmers market. Most major cities have farmers’ markets throughout the warm months and into the fall. Even in smaller towns or suburbs, you can usually find a friendly agriculturist selling their produce on a neighborhood corner. With this option, you are able to support local farmers and their businesses. This also gives you the option to talk directly to the farmers about what their produce practices are – including how they use pesticides, what fertilizer they use, and how long the produce has been ripe.

Another excellent option for organic produce is to start your own garden. Garden’s don’t have to be big and you don’t have to have a lot of outdoor space, either. You can even start small with your own indoor garden! This option gives you control over what kind of pesticides you use, if at all! That takes the guessing game out of the whole process. Produce grown in your own garden have up 10x more nutrients than those at the grocery store.

Having an organic option is always a great option when grocery shopping. However, as mentioned above there are several pros and cons to buying organic produce. If you do choose to purchase organic products, be sure to wash the vegetables to ensure the best care and safety of your fruits and vegetables. And most importantly, to enjoy!