Help During COVID-19
A Note from Spring Power and Gas:
Customer service is a top priority for us at Spring Power & Gas, as is the well-being of our employees. That’s why despite the challenges with the Corona Virus (COVID-19) and social distancing guidelines, our customer service represensitives have moved to work from home and will continue to provide uninterrupted customer support.

Protecting Yourself Against Scammers
We want to remind you that you are not going to lose your power even if you can’t pay your bill now. Beware of anyone visiting, emailing or calling about any outstanding bills or threatening to disconnect your services as they might be scammers.
If you are contacted about a bill collection, the caller should be able to provide the following information to you:
-Account name
-Phone Number
-Amount of Current balance
If they cannot provide this information, you should hang up immediately and not share any information with the caller. Be mindful of these situations, as the scammers can use tactics to manipulate the Caller ID.
Submit Your Own Meter Reads
Here is a list of resources for how you can read you meter at home. By reading your meter at home, you will be charged for your actual usage, not an average historical usage. Estimated billed are based on the usage at the same time of the previous year. By reading your own meter, you avoid having to have someone come out to your house and read your meter.
Also included in this link are COVID-19 responses from your Utility.
Utility Responses to COVID-19
Here is a list of resources for how the utitlily companies are responding to COVID-19.
Utility | COVID-19 Response |
---|---| | Steps to Support Customers During Coronavirus | | Update on Coronavirus | | Steps to Support Customers During Coronavirus |
Utility | COVID-19 Response |
---|---| | Steps to Support Customers During Coronavirus | | Message regarding the Coronavirus disease | | CORONAVIRUS: IMPORTANT UPDATES AND HELP |